Due to new guidance regarding on-campus meetings and events from the Provost Office and Yale Health regarding the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the organization committee decided to skip the 2020 edition of the Yale Science and Engineering Forum.
YSEF 2019: Thursday, May 2
The Yale Science and Engineering Forum is a diverse program of talks highlighting the outstanding science and engineering research being performed by your colleagues at Yale.
Please plan to join your colleagues for our annual day of scientific presentations and discussion by selected members of the biological, engineering, physical and life science faculties on Thursday, May 2, 2019 at the Yale Quantum Institute.
This is a great opportunity to hear about important work outside your own specialty, presented at an accessible level.
Contact Florian Carle, YQI Manager at yqi@yale.edu with your questions.

10:15 AM Morning Refreshments
10:40 AM Welcome Remarks
SESSION I - Climate and Environment
10:45 AM Anthony Leiserowitz (FES) - Session Chair Introduction
10:50 AM David Skelly (FES) - Climate change and evolution: frogs for the future
11:30 AM William Nordhaus (Economics) - Carbon clubs for international
climate policy
12:10 PM Lunch Break
SESSION II - Quantum Science
1:10 PM Leonid Glazman (Physics) - Session Chair Introduction
1:15 PM Nir Navon (Physics) - Synthesizing Quantum Matter with
Ultracold Atoms
1:55 PM Liang Jiang (Applied Physics) - Quantum Information Processing
with Oscillators
2:35 PM Refreshment Break
SESSION III - Biology: Macro to Micro
3:05 PM Michael Donoghue (EEB) - Session Chair Introduction
3:10 PM Vivian Irish (MCDB) - On Growth and forms in petals
3:50 PM Paul Turner (EEB) - Using phages to select for evolution of reduced virulence in pathogenic bacteria
4:30 PM Reception